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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Closed for Christmas?

According to Fox New's Brit Hume several "mega churches" are planning on being closed for Christmas day,,2933,177763,00.html . The rationale given by the church leaders is that since Christmas has become so secularized that it doesn't really matter and that this provides staff time to spend with their family on Christmas day.
This is a sad commentary on the focus and health of the American Christian depth of faith and love for Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. IF the primary focus of these "mega church" worship services is entertainment and the gratification of the American appetite for sensory gratification then perhaps it is just as well. I guess it is truly is a lot of work to produce and present some of the weekly media productions and the staff will probably like the day off.
However what about..coming to Him who came for us, to worship and adore Christ Jesus? What about simply listening in faith and love to the Scriptures, or receiving His sacred Body and Blood in the Eucharist? What about worshipping, together, with family, the birthday of our King?
What about Jesus?

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